Haunted Hell

Haunted Hell invites its guests to face their fears among the rotting ruins and grueling landscapes only seen in nightmares. The masterminds of Hell (Tony Warner and Patrick Warner, of Devil’s Dungeon), have packed Haunted Hell with twisted chambers full of shock and mayhem to delight, disorient and terrify even the most hardened Fans of Fright.
The large scale scenes, filled with cutting edge audio, special effects, and artistic detail, are gruesome, graphic and ‘in-your-face’. This 22,000 square foot stage is the playground for a demon cast of more than live 35 actors that increase the unpredictable element to Haunted Hell.

Visit Hell Meade, the exclusive community isn’t what it seems. Travel the creek bed through terrifying and disorienting situations to the urban underground of madness. Try to escape through scenes of mayhem and dark imagination to find the only exit out of Haunted Hell; and that exit door can seem miles away when one is being pursued by the evil that calls Haunted Hell.
The doors slam behind you as you enter into Haunted Hell Nashville. You hear screams in the distance and you question whether this haunted house is just for fun or really being run by a psychopath whose only desire is to eat your flesh while you’re still alive. To find the answer you have to bring your friends and brave the haunt on your own!

Business Location: 
Haunted Hell Nashville
3930 Apache Trail
37013 Antioch , TN
Phone: 615-680-9343
--Antioch & Priest Lake
East of Nashville
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