Epic Yoga
Epic Yoga is the result of many years of practicing, studying and teaching yoga. Yoga is a calling for me…. A crazy adventure that has led me half way across the world to study with masters and learn more about myself than I ever bargained for. The definition of epic is an episode in the life of a man/woman in which heroic deeds are performed or attempted… of impressive proportion. For me, this is the story of the birth of Epic Yoga… a big adventure to bring a powerful form of yoga to Brentwood. Grab your mat, do your practice, transform your life, inspire your world!
The Epic Vision
We believe in creating a community where transformation is the norm. Where you can rise above your circumstances and limitations and live the BIG life, the epic life, the out of the box, take the lid off…. your life! Where you answer a resounding “yes” to all this life has to offer. We believe in personal and global transformation, both on and off the mat.
Our Epic Mission
We strive to provide transformation and inspiration. We aim to stretch your body and mind so you can live your most inspired life.