Priest Lake Veterinary Hospital
The doctors here at Priest Lake Veterinary Hospital skillfully provide comprehensive health care for dogs, cats, and exotic pets.
Services we provide include:
Internal medicine - in depth testing and diagnosis
Surgery for dogs and cats - general to specialized
Advanced anesthesia - especially for older and higher risk patients
Surgery for exotic pets - including advanced adrenal surgery for ferrets
Digital Radiology - standard and dye studies
Ultrasound services - on site with Dr. Napier
CAT Scan services locally
Nutritional counseling - for all life stages
Behavior counseling - from chewing to housebreaking problems
Advanced dentistry - from cleanings to dental restoration procedures
Dermatology and allergy testing - comprehensive analysis and treatment
Avian Blood Sexing - for most species
Advanced pain control - for acute and chronic health issues
In house lab - including microscopic cell analysis, blood chemistry, complete blood counts, parasite screening , urinalysis and thyroid testing
Pet microchipping - high tech identification procedure
Alternative treatments - including herbal medicines