Rebel Hill Florist
Flowers set the stage for every event and add flair to every occasion. Our floral designers can create custom arrangements to reflect the theme of your party, complement the décor of your home or office, or add colorful focal points to brighten a room.
Do you want an arrangement created in a treasured heirloom vase or bowl? Our designers will select and arrange flowers to complement its shape, color and style.
Want to make a dramatic statement? Through our worldwide network of sources, we have access to colorful, unusual flowers that our designers can fashion into beautiful, bold, memorable arrangements.
Because flowers come in an endless range in colors, shapes and sizes, our designers can offer endless creative ideas. Use one type of flower in a range of colors. Select one signature color and use a range of flowers. You may prefer traditional flowers arranged in non-traditional ways. In the hands of our talented designers, every detail - color, shape, size, fragrance, and container - is considered to create arrangements that suit your taste and are perfect for the occasion.
Visit our online gallery to see some of our custom designs. Contact us for a consultation regarding your custom design needs.