Sumner County Board of Education
Sumner County is located north of Nashville, stretching from Davidson County's northern border to the Kentucky state line. Sumner County was founded in 1786 and covers 530 square miles, including all or part of eight cities. Sumner County has a population of 155,474 as of the most recent census estimate. Since 2000, the county's population has has grown more than twice as fast (19.2%) as the rate seen across the state.
Each of our 46 schools reflect the diversity of our growing community. We are consistently ranked as one of the top academic school districts in the state, and our students and staff are recognized for their classroom and extracurricular achievements at both the state and national levels.
Educating today's young people to be tomorrow's productive citizens is a big task, and we know it is a job that involves the entire community. We believe public education is a partnership between students, teachers, parents, administrators, school staff, the elected Board of Education, and the public at large. Our goal is to provide the best education possible to each of our students, and we know that stakeholder involvement and public support are essential if we are to meet the many challenges ahead of us.
We have designed this site to answer the most common questions we receive from parents, job applicants, employees, and interested citizens. I hope you will find the information on these pages to be helpful and relevant. In the event you can't find the answer to your particular question, feel free to contact the person or department that can best assist you.