Ultimate Event Nashville
Business Website:
Ultimate Event Nashville is a team building experience that is unique to Nashville, allowing corporate client employees to take part in writing, recording and performing original music with accomplished Nashville songwriters and entertainers!
- Your event begins with food, refreshments and a meet & greet with established Nashville hit songwriters.
- Your group then breaks up into teams to write a song or company jingle. This is a definite team effort with our professional writers guiding the way.
- The groups then re-assemble in the control room of our Grammy Award winning studio to perform and record the new songs to compete for the title of best song.
- Group photos are taken in the studio after the recordings.
- The evening is topped off by the professional writers performing their hits in the intimate setting of the studio.
- No musical experience is required for this experience.
- Laughter and a sense of humor is usually the common thread to these events and we hope every one leaves with a better understanding of their comrades, associates and their company.

Business Location:
Ultimate Event Nashville
1317 16th Ave S
, TN
See map: Google Maps
Facebook Link: